Why Mulch?
Installing mulch or bark can help enhance your business or commercial property curb appeal by giving the area a polished and clean look. After the material is installed, the results are very obvious—it certainly makes a business/commercial property stand out from the rest.
That being said, there are a lot more benefits than solely the aesthetic aspect.
Some of the many additional benefits include:
- Helps minimize weed growth (especially if install during cold winter months)
- Protects the soil from erosion by preventing water loss during summers
- Helps maintain soil temperature year round
- Reduces amount of watering needed
- Assists in preventing damage caused by heavy rains
- Improves fertility and overall health of the soil (depending on quantity and material type used)
- Organic mulches decay over time and are recycled naturally. There’s no need to remove it, simply apply another layer.
- If properly maintained, mulch/bark can last more than couple years, ask your commercial landscapers to hard rake/turn over mulch areas every season, so material continues to look fresh
The type of mulch/material to utilize depends on the individual commercial property’s needs, local weather, organic/inorganic preference, depth, etc.—we recommend having a professional visit the property to identify the quantity of mulch/bark needed.
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