Super Bowl Lawn Care

 In Commercial Landscaping Maintenance

The SuperBowl is coming up, and we know that what’s on everyone’s mind is: just how do they get the grass in football stadiums to look so nice?

Right? Okay, maybe not.  I think we’re all thinking the Seattle Seahawks are going to beat the Broncos. But we at Greenpoint Landscaping are equally as excited by our team getting to the Super Bowl as we are by lawn care.

We were going to talk about how they keep the field at MetLife Stadium looking so nice, but unfortunately, they use FieldTurf, which is a form of artificial grass.

It makes sense, after all, seeing as New Jersey can be very cold in the winter. But still, let’s pretend they use real grass. What makes football fields look so good?

Striping Pattern

But what about that amazing pattern on the field? Well, you can achieve that right at home. It’s really as easy as mowing one way in a straight line, and coming back the other direction. What looks like different colors of grass is just the blades lying in different directions.

In fact, if you’re really curious, here’s a great video that shows you how to do it:


Now we can hear you ask the next question: What’s the best length of grass to play on?

When mowing your lawn for optimum wear and tear, and football playing, cut no more than 1/3rd of the blade of grass. This still gives you bounce, and keeps the grass healthy, but won’t be long enough to hinder your feet.

Keeping Grass Clippings

But how do they keep footballs fields so green and weed-free? you ask.

Well, they keep their grass clippings! Not only does it make for excellent mulching on the off-season, it fills in patches that weeds might try to sneak in through. If you choose to do this yourself, make sure you remove your grass clippings to save for later. Leaving clippings after you mow your lawn actually makes it harder for grass to keep growing, and isn’t sufficient mulching by itself.

So enjoy the Super Bowl!

Alright, that’s enough about lawn care for football fields. It’s time to break out the party food and watch our Seahawks get victory!

Top Image (CC) Smart Destinations

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