Itsy Bitsy Spider(s)
During this time of year, you may notice an abundance of spiders on your property, especially if you have overgrown trees and shrubbery. Trees and shrubs provide those creepy eight-legged critters a perfect spot to build a web, and catch some dinner…and creep out your customers.
Property lighting and heating attract small prey (mosquitoes, flies, gnats, moths, etc.) that can easily get trapped in a spider web (dinner!). While proper trimming promotes security, safety and curb appeal, it will also keep spiders out of your customers and employees way, and it will also make it more difficult for them to enter your property and become your newest tenant for the winter.
Here are some quick insights:
Depending on the type of tree and shrub that grows around your building, trimming can be done 1-5 times in a year. Trees and shrubs should be kept away from the building, and no less than 8’ feet off ground over in areas where people will be walking. Vegetation should not cover any curb lines or walkways; tree/shrub branches should never interfere with parking spaces.
When carrying out a trimming procedure, ensure that weak and broken branches are removed, as these branches are dangerous and can become a potential hazard. Aside from helping keep critters at bay, trimming promotes plant health because it aids in the removal of diseased and pest infested parts of the trees and shrubs. Moreover, carrying out routine trimming enables the trees and shrubs to live longer because they will be able to withstand certain growth challenges. In fact, trees and shrubs have better chances of withstanding snow and ice if they are trimmed regularly.
Trimming is a very important procedure that all property owners should conduct regularly. Proper trimming from the right landscaper will add safety, security and curb appeal to your property…but above all, it will keep our eight-legged buggy friends, and their webs out of your customer’s way.